PPC for Law Firms – Follow These 5 Steps and Get More Clients


Online advertising is very cost effective, fast and if done right, it delivers very profitable results. In this post we will share with you the most important steps you need to take in order to make successful PPC for lawyers and attract more clients.


Choose Your Practice Area

Before you start going into all of this, you need to plan and organize your campaign in accordance with your main areas of expertise. If you have more areas, form and group them in a way that you think it best represents what you do, and how successful you are in doing it. The biggest challenge you face here is finding a way how to escape the maze of endless other lawyers offering similar services and make your brand and services unique.


Set Your Location

Adwords has a location targeting system which allows you to select in which town, area or country you want your add to appear. With this in mind, you need to determine the location you want your expertise to be found and promoted, where you think you’ll find the right clients, and restrict other areas in which you think you won’t. Establish your presence in the town where your offer your services and make the best use of this side of Adwords.


Define your Keywords and Budget


Keywords are basically phrases in your content that make your work pop up high in search engines. They set you aside from all of the other law firm advertising sites out there and they need to be targeted specifically and especially for your content. If you are covering only certain subjects (personal injury, domestic violence, etc.) your keywords need to be custom targeted for those areas. The same goes if you are up scaling your practice areas or reaching out for clientele with a bigger budget.


Create Effective Landing page

Don’t let your visitors search and wonder around your website, because you will lose a substantial amount of them and the conversion you get will be very low. Design a clear and specific landing page that will immediately get to the point and the gist of your AdWords campaign. You need a quality call to action that will initiate the visitors to contact your firm. That means setting up easy, visible contact data in the top of the landing page, so every visitor can see it immediately.


Respond in Timely Manner


PPC for lawyers campaigns can be expensive; therefore all of your skills and resources should be utilized effectively. As long as you are paying Google, your campaign will rank high, and that is why it is very important to be very timely with your work. Prepare your marketing staff (if you have it) with reasonable timelines, and create a different approach method when it comes to on-line leads and phone contacts. Another effective way of managing your work timely is to create auto responders. They can be very simple or really complex, depending on your needs, and can make PPC for law lawyers way easier.


Analyze and Track Your Campaign

In order to maintain a successful law firm advertising system, you need to set up auto-tagging so you can see where your visitors are coming from and if the visits you are getting are random hits or a product of successful promotion. Besides setting up auto-tagging, a big step in the right direction when it comes to digital marketing for law firms, is creating goals. A goal can be many things. A click that leads to a specific page, certain amount of time spent on a site or a multitude of other things you would find valuable.


The internet is a very useful medium for law firm advertising and it should definitely be taken seriously, as online marketing or better said, the absence of it, can quickly lead to your business drying up. But there is no need for worry, because if you follow these steps consistently and combine them with a good and unique PPC for lawyers strategy, you are bound for success.