Links earned for long-term rankings on search engines



All online marketing efforts are focused on achieving one desirable outcome and Off Page SEO is no different. It is an important part of an effective website marketing campaign and should not be overlooked in any online marketing strategy. Using other websites to create links to your online content and vice versa is what link building is all about and yes large quantities of high quality links are a great contributor to Off Page SEO efforts. There are numerous ways to get links, but at Mirror Solutions we focus on the ethical approach to link building as this is the only way to achieve long term results.

Great Content is the Key to Off Page SEO

Creating interesting and original content in the form of iconografics, data visualizations, white papers, how-to guides, videos and galleries should be viewed as creating assets that earn you links. This is the type of quality content that can increase your website’s chances of getting links as offering truly “great content” engages people who are willing to link to your content and share. It is not exactly easy to get other people to include links to your website on their websites but there are ethical and effective approaches that can be explored as part of your online marketing strategy. Mirror Solutions has comprehensive experience in producing content based link building campaigns.

On Going Success with Ethical Link Building

Sometimes businesses starting up, in their desire to rank higher as quickly as possible fail to take the ethical approach, but sooner or later they learn that in order to achieve on-going success ethical link building is the only way to go. Another thing to note, Off page SEO is the least controllable contributor to your SEO efforts as getting other websites to include links to your site is not an easy task when a campaign is conducted ethically. However, commitment and a strong marketing strategy can get you there. There are many legitimate techniques that can kick start a link building campaign, such as website directories and local listings, networking, social media followers, blogging, press releases.


Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 16:30
Saturday: 8:00 – 18:30
Sunday: 11:00 – 15:00